Book Coach/Editor

Where stories and story ideas are nurtured and guided

As a certified book coach, I help writers, especially those just starting out, work toward achieving their goal of writing books worth reading. I serve writers focused on genre fiction (mystery, spec fiction, horror) or narrative memoir, guiding them through their creative process.

I have been a writer all my life, an editor just about my entire career, and a certified book coach more recently. I love book coaching because it combines several activities that are dear to me: the opportunity to help writers grow and realize their aspirations, and to share the love of writing with others and the skill of fine-tuning a work through thoughtful editing. 

I am certified through Author Accelerator, a terrific program for both writers and coaches.

As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I am qualified to coach writers using Author Accelerator’s strategy, methods, and materials, but I operate independently of Author Accelerator and am not affiliated with them.